E Portfolio Ppt Template: Software Free Download
PPT Mc. Kinsey Power. Point presentation free to download. Title Mc. Kinsey 1. Cookies, which are files created by websites youve visited, and your browsers cache, which helps pages load faster, make it easier for you to browse the web. History Creation at Forethought 19841987 PowerPoint was created by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin at a software startup in Silicon Valley named Forethought. Moved Permanently. The document has moved here. E Portfolio Ppt Template: Software Free Download' title='E Portfolio Ppt Template: Software Free Download' />Mc. Kinsey Company our perspectives on achieving impact in health system reform. January 2. 00. 9 2. CONTENTSituation today. Achieving impact in health systems reform. Mc. Kinseys health systems practice Examples of our work Appendix 3. Pearltrees is a place to organize all your interests. It lets you organize, explore and share everything you like. Project management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific. All software testing articles on Manual and automation testing. Buy Fira StartUp Creative Google Slides Template by rapidpixel on GraphicRiver. Fira StartUp amp Creative Google Slides Template Features 92 Unique. HEALTHCARE REFORM IS A TOP ISSUE GLOBALLY1. Improving healthcare is a top public priority in every country. Health systems are complex. Difficult to determine what to do Quick wins are hard to identify Success is hard to measure. Percent per country ranking health as the top personal concern. Poland Russia China Bulgaria Rapid change is difficult. Many stakeholders, most with different interests Hard to rapidly increase skills. Germany India Italy Japan Sweden Based on growth over the past 4. GDP in more than half of the OECD countries by 2. Funding is limited and costs are already high. Spain France Canada U. S. Britain Open ended responses What is the most important problem facing you and your family today multiple answers accepted Source Kaiser Family Foundation and the Pew Global Attitudes Project released a report in Dec 2. HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS LEADERS ARE UNDER PRESSURE TO TACKLE MULTIPLE CHALLENGESResponding to rising costs. Improving value for spending Ensuring rational adoption of new drugs, devices, and technologies Creating value conscious consumers and cost competitive providers. Providing access. Delivering high quality. How to best balance cost, quality, and access in a manner that is both sustainable and consistent with social values and political goals Defining right level of care and coverage Defining role of private and public sectors Ensuring equity across the system. Managing rising numbers of chronic disease patients Reducing variations in clinical practice Adopting evidence based care 5. AGING AND DISEASE MIX ARE DRIVING RISING COSTS GLOBALLYNote All WHO countries with private medical expenditures above USD 5 bn Includes communicable, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions Source WHO Core Health Indicators, ICP Global Results, EIU, Mc. Kinsey analysis 6 AS IS INNOVATION IN TECHNOLOGY1. All your X rays a mouse click away and your new arm will be ready on Friday. First marathon in 1. Stryker knee. 50 of diseases will be predictable at birth 7. WHICH COULD RESULT IN HEALTHCARE SPEND CONSUMING DISPROPORTIONATE AMOUNTS OF GDP IF SYSTEMS GO UNCHANGEDOECD historic rate GDP 2. Half OECD historic rate GDP 1. Karlee Grey'>Karlee Grey. Source Forecast model assuming real GDP growth of 2. OECD Policy Implications of the New Economy 2. Global Insight WMM 2. CONTENTSituation today. Achieving impact in health systems reform Mc. Kinseys health systems practice Examples of our work Appendix 9. OUR BASIC BELIEF IS THAT HEALTH SYSTEMS REFORM IS A LONG JOURNEY THAT REQUIRE VISIONARY LEADERSThere is no best system, adapting reform to local context matters Major transformation typically requires 2. Support from the top is crucial to shape the direction, it is imperative to understand the full story Success is driven by Clarity of direction and what success will look like relevant to existing context Clarity on behaviours which need changing, and how that will happen The momentum generated by a few of successful quick win projects with substantial quantifiable impact Capability building at all levels of the system, supported by significant leadership inspiration and energy Health systems reform is a journey Visionary leaders will experience highs and lows but if thoughtful of the overall direction, will improve the health of the population in a tangible and measurable way, improve access and manage costs 1. ACHIEVING IMPACT REQUIRES ATTENTION TO A SET OF CORE PRINCIPLESSuccessful health system transformation. Focus change on the target end state. Software Architecture Foundations Theory And Practice Pdf there. Take a holistic view of the health system Develop leadership at every level. Follow the patients journey. Use a multi stakeholder partnership to drive change. All relevant aspects of government Social and private sector actors. National public health outcomes International goals e. MDGsPatient journeys through the health system Key clinical pathways. Top level Ministry leadership Mid level system leadership Clinical leadership. Governments Donors and bimulti laterals Private sector Social sector and NGOs. Engage the system from within Millennium Development Goals 1. HEALTH SYSTEM REFORM REQUIRES CHANGING AN ENTIRE SYSTEM, NOT JUST THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH1. Alternative traditional medicine. Ministry of Finance health system financingSocial Sector NGOs, community service organizations, think tanksMinistry of Labour health care work force domestic and internationalHealth systems play a role in a countrys human and economic development While reform may require change at the micro level, it will also require change at the macro level including many other aspects of government Parastatal companies access to telecommunications, power, water for health facilitiesMinistry of Education health care degree programs, bursaries and secondary school sciencesPrivate Sector health care and large employersRegional and local governments sanitation, hospitals, schools and infrastructureMinistry of Works and Transport facility construction, renovation and repair, and roads 1. REFORM SHOULD FOCUS ON THE TARGET END STATE WITH REGULAR TRACK OF PROGRESS1. GCC EXAMPLEProgress against target. Target. Main activities. Objective. Days of waiting time for Gastroentology. Reduce waiting time of new patient referrals for 1. Outpatient department Waiting times. Optimized triaging by nurse Opening HC in the evening Pre booking telephone appointments Patient segmentation 2. Oct 0. 5Jan 0. 6May 0. June 0. 7Average opening times over a week, gynecology services. Begin operations by 7. AM for all departments. Improve operation theater utilization Identification of bottlenecks, such as cold OTs Installment of timers to heat OTs in the morning Reorganization of shifts. March 0. 6Dec 0. 6May 0. Strengthen and enforce quality standards in private and public health care Strengthen the role of the Office of Licensure and Registration as regulator of health institutions, professionals and the pharmaceutical industry. Establishment of national authority for regulation of health profession and services Nomination and training of CEO and key staff Regulation of health institutions, professionals and the pharmaceutical industry Development, of national minimum standards for health institutions and enforcement criteria Establishment of criteria for registration, licensing and re licensing of health professionals. A CLINICAL PATHWAYS APPROACH IDENTIFIES IMPROVEMENT AREAS ACROSS THE PATIENTS LIFE SPANUK EXAMPLEProposed key changes required to deliver world class care based on best practice. Women should be offered choice of home birth, midwife led or obs led care Obstetrics units with at least 9. Every obstetrics unit should have a co located midwifery unit 1. Antenatal and some postnatal care should be provided in local dedicated hubs. More should be invested in proven health improvement programs The NHS should play a greater role in improving the health of its employees All health professionals should be incented to improve health at each interaction Need for more partnership working to help people stay healthy. Integration of community and secondary care services Pro active primary care to reduce emergency admissions Develop London wide best practice Care Pathways for different LTCs e.