Xml Diff And Patch Tool Example
Workbench User Guide Eclipse platform overview Getting started Basic tutorial The Workbench Editors and views Editors Views. Newcomers guide to reading XML with ABAPLet me share an experience. I was challenged with a task to read huge XML into ABAP and use it for mass upload of some information. It was not my first time with XML in ABAP, I am regularly using CALL TRANSFORMATION to generate formatted Excel files I dont want to import ABAP2. XSLX, what would be the first option to produce nicely formatted outputs to Excel, into my customers systems. Can you tell me how you use ABAP2. XSLX not being a customer. Xdelta. opensource binary diff, differential compression tools, VCDIFF RFC 3284 delta compression. FreeDiff.jpg' alt='Xml Diff And Patch Tool Example' title='Xml Diff And Patch Tool Example' />Backbone. API of enumerable. Svn is the official commandline client of Subversion. Its functionality is offered via a collection of taskspecific subcommands, most of which accept a. Web version of a book about Subversion. Work in progress, however already very complete. The book should be published by OReilly and Associates later in 2004. Guiffy-SureMerge-Windows.jpg' alt='Xml Diff And Patch Tool Example' title='Xml Diff And Patch Tool Example' />In computing, the diff utility is a data comparison tool that calculates and displays the differences between two files. Unlike edit distance notions used for other. Listing of web test tools and management tools link checking, html validation, load testing, security testing, java testing, publishing control, site mapping. But it was my first time to upload into ABAP. Side note If you dont know the ABAP2. XSLX project, check abap. Code Exchange homepage here. If you want to start with a fancy video introduction of the project, check the blog by Rui Nogueira here. If you dont want to import Z code into your or your customers system and would like to know more about my transformation way of exporting to Excel, check my blog which describes it here Happy reporting with Excel II. So back to the topic you have an XML file youre supposed to read into ABAP structures and tables and you dont know where to start. One could use a wizard to help with the task, rightFortunately there is such a thing. Look for the magic wand icon in the transformation screen in SE8. XSLTTOOL transaction, open or create a transformation and go from there. Note that this blog is about SIMPLE TRANSFORMATIONs, not about XSLT programs your transformation object in SE8. XSLTTOOL must be of type simple transformation. XSLTTOOL wizard. What you see here are two panes left for data structures in ABAP and right for the XML tags in the file. First thing youre supposed to do is to specify a root. Ugh Root What is that You need to have ABAP dictionary structures and tables defined which will hold the information after you read it from the XML file. These you have to create manually. So before you start using the XML wizard, I suggest you start creating your structures in SE1. SE8. 0. Combine the data dictionary objects into a tree, that will approximately look like the XML file youre going to read into it. The more it emulates the input file the better. Natural, no special description needed. Now let me explain why I suggest the use of the XML tool. Those informed about CALL TRANSFORMATION know there is the standard transformation called id. Id stands for identity here. That means that the XML file content and the DDIC structures fit together 1. With my task that was not the case. Parts of XML dealing with similar things were implemented differently, some nodes had attributes, some didnt, some elements were obligatory, some not. I didnt have XSD, I didnt have any other information except the example file. When you want to use the identity transformation, you anyway need to create your DDIC structures, so this part stays with both options. To make it as clear as possible this blog helps you with mapping the XML nodes to DDIC structures. Lets assume you have your structure created in ABAP dictionary now and want to create a mapping. You now have a structure you can use as the new root in XSLTTOOL right mouse click on the left pane Insert New Root provide root name and type you created as the main top level type. Left pane gets populated according to your structure defined. You dont have a thing on the right side yet. Its a mapping. Have you ever used attributes mapping in Web. Dynpro for exampleDrag and drop works. So you drag the root from the left pane and drop it on the right. Now the program creates what I mentioned above as identity transformation. It created a program that would read the XML file where every tag is called the same as your DDIC type. But as I said ours is not the case. We need to be able to change the names of the tags and other attributes so the transformation fits on our XML. To do that double click the node on the right and you can change its name. Another typical task is to map your ABAP field to an attribute of a XML tag rather than to its value. Then you need to right click on the node and say Change to Attribute. Not a replacement for a documentation, but a shortcut for sure. You might be asking yourself why I explain something that can be read in the documentation. Easy I had to learn the hard way despite the existence of the documentation. I also realized that I need less that 5 of the available features. So if I went and read the whole documentation, I would spend a week reading about cloud castles, something that can be very tricky to imagine. With this blog I am hoping to spare the Community the time and effort of reading through everything plus I want to add some typical needs. Typical problem You use the wizard, save, activate and when want to start the wizard again or activate again, you get a success message saying Namespace prefix is not defined. Then you need to go to the source code tab of the transformation and note that there are two similar, but somewhat strange lines at the beginning. You need to delete the second line with extra space before the question mark to make the thing work again. Typical wish will also be the need to mark some nodes optional. Here I admit I didnt find a way how to do it via the wizard it must be possible, I just didnt have enough time to look for it. So I went to the transformation source code tab and change the thing there. The code goes like this if there is something to be bound to the node, process it, and otherwise carry on note that you have to process every tag that appears in the XML input stream, which means if you dont care, ok, but you have to process it too. My. Tag. A lt tt cond checkexistREF. XX. YY lt My. Tag. B lt tt loop refREF. XX. YY lt process the lines if there are any lt tt loop lt My. Tag. B lt tt cond lt My. Tag. A And that is enough for you to process complex XML files into ABAP. At least it was enough for me. Happy XML parsing. Tortoise. SVNs Settings. To find out what the different settings are for, just leave your. Figure 4. 6. 9. The Settings Dialog, General Page. This dialog allows you to specify your preferred language. Subversion specific settings. Selects your user interface language. Of course, you have to install the corresponding language. UI language than the default. English one. Check for updates. Tortoise. SVN will contact its download site periodically. If there is it will show a notification link in the commit dialog. Use Check now if you want an answer. The new version will not be downloaded you. System sounds. Tortoise. SVN has three custom sounds which are installed by default. You can select different sounds or turn these sounds. Windows Control Panel. Configure is a shortcut to the Control Panel. Use Aero Dialogs. On Windows Vista and later systems this controls whether dialogs. Aero styling. Create Library. On Windows 7 you can create a Library in which to group working copies. Global ignore pattern. Global ignore patterns are used to prevent unversioned files from. Files matching the. Ignore files or directories by typing in the names or extensions. Patterns are separated by spaces e. Ttmp. These patterns should not include any path separators. Note also. that there is no way to differentiate between files and directories. Read the section called Pattern Matching in Ignore Lists for more information. Note that the ignore patterns you specify here will also. Subversion clients running on your PC, including. Caution. If you use the Subversion configuration file to set. The Subversion. configuration file is accessed using the. Edit as described below. This ignore pattern will affect all your projects. It is not versioned, so it will not affect other users. By contrast you can also use the versioned. Read. the section called Ignoring Files And Directories. Set file dates to the last commit time. This option tells Tortoise. SVN to set the file dates to. Otherwise Tortoise. SVN will use the current date. If you are developing software it is generally best. If you use last commit time and revert. Subversion configuration file. Use Edit to edit the. Subversion configuration file directly. Some settings cannot be modified directly by. Tortoise. SVN, and need to be set here instead. For more information about the Subversion. Runtime Configuration Area. The section on. Automatic Property Setting. Note that Subversion can read configuration information. Refer to. Configuration and the Windows Registry to find out more. Apply local modifications to svn externals when updating. This option tells Tortoise. SVN to always apply local. Figure 4. 7. 0. The Settings Dialog, Context Menu Page. This page allows you to specify which of the Tortoise. SVN context menu. Tortoise. SVN submenu. By default most items are unchecked and. There is a special case for Get Lock. You can of. course promote it to the top level using the list above, but as most. However, a file with. Checking the box here means that when a file is selected which has. Get Lock will always appear at the top level. Most of the time, you wont need the Tortoise. SVN context menu, apart. Subversion. For non. If you check the option. Hide menus. for unversioned paths. Tortoise. SVN will not add its entries. But the entries are. And you can. get the entries back for unversioned folders by holding the. Shift key down while showing the context menu. If there are some paths on your computer where you just dont want. Tortoise. SVNs context menu to appear at all, you can list them in. Tortoise. SVN Dialog Settings 1. Figure 4. 7. 1. The Settings Dialog, Dialogs 1 Page. This dialog allows you to configure some of Tortoise. SVNs. dialogs the way you like them. Default number of log messages. Limits the number of log messages that Tortoise. SVN. fetches when you first select. Useful for slow server connections. Virology Program U M. You can always use. Show All or. Next 1. Font for log messages. Selects the font face and size used to display the log. Revision Log. dialog, and when composing log messages in the Commit. Short date time format in log messages. If the standard long messages use up too much. Can double click in log list to compare with previous revision. If you frequently find yourself comparing revisions in the top. It is not enabled by default because. Auto close. Tortoise. SVN can automatically close all progress dialogs. This setting. allows you to select the conditions for closing the. The default recommended setting is. Close manually. which allows you to review all messages and check what. However, you may decide that you want to. Auto close if no merges, adds or deletes. It will also stay open if. Auto close if no conflicts. However. if there were any conflicts or errors, the dialog. Auto close if no errors. The only condition that keeps the dialog open is an. Subversion is unable. For example, an update fails. Always close dialogs for local operations. Local operations like adding files or reverting changes do not. Select this option. Use recycle bin when reverting. When you revert local modifications, your changes are. Tortoise. SVN gives you an extra safety net by. If you prefer to. Use URL of WC as the default From URL. In the merge dialog, the default behaviour is for the. From URL to be remembered between. However, some people like to perform merges from. URL of the current working copy. This can then be edited to refer to a parallel path on. Default checkout path. You can specify the default path for checkouts. If you keep all. your checkouts in one place, it is useful to have the drive. Default checkout URL. You can also specify the default URL for checkouts. If you often. checkout sub projects of some very large project, it can be useful. URL pre filled so you only have to add the sub project. Tortoise. SVN Dialog Settings 2. Figure 4. 7. 2. The Settings Dialog, Dialogs 2 Page. Recurse into unversioned folders. If this box is checked default state, then whenever. Add. Commit or. Check for Modifications dialog. If you uncheck this box, only the unversioned parent is shown. Unchecking reduces clutter in these dialogs. In that case if you. Add, it is added recursively. In the Check for Modifications dialog. If this box is checked. Use auto completion of file paths and keywords. The commit dialog includes a facility to parse the list. When you type the first 3. Enter to complete the. Check the box to enable this feature. Timeout in seconds to stop the auto completion parsing. The auto completion parser can be quite slow if there are a lot. This timeout stops the commit dialog. If you are missing important. Only use spellchecker when tsvn projectlanguage is set. If you dont wish to use the spellchecker for all commits. The spellchecker will still be enabled where. Max. items to keep in the log message history. When you type in a log message in the commit dialog, Tortoise. SVN. stores it for possible re use later. By default it will keep the. If you have many different repositories, you may wish to. Note that this setting applies only to messages that you type. It has nothing to do with the log cache. Select items automatically. The normal behaviour in the commit dialog is for all modified. If you prefer to start with nothing selected and pick the. Reopen dialog after commit if items were left uncommitted. This reopens the commit dialog automatically at the same. The dialog is reopened. Contact the repository on startup. The Check for Modifications dialog checks the working copy. Check repository. If you always want.